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RE-flections from Wendy

Wendy Weiss Southern,

Director of Religious Education

Our 2015/16 Religious Education Program Year is nearing its completion. Our last classes of the program year will be Sunday, May 8. Summer session will start on June 5. We’ve had a tremendous year exploring UU and Westside heritage and identity in terms of our past, present, and future. We tried something new this year in coordinating lesson plans with sermon topics to foster discussion within families and among the generations. We’ve also added a Compassionate Communication curriculum this spring for our Elementary aged children. Even though things are winding down for the program, it’s an incredibly busy time of year in RE.

The youth group is in full swing of fundraising for their youth trip to the UUA General Assembly (GA) in Columbus, OH. So far they have held several bake sales and have earned $400 towards their $2000 goal. They are preparing for several fundraisers this spring. Saturday, April 16, at 6 pm, the youth group is throwing a party to celebrate their travels to GA this summer. Mid Life Crisis, the band that played at the Cabaret, will perform. The youth will also prepare a fresh made burrito bar. Doors open at 6, the band starts at 6:30. Dinner and band will be $20 or just the band for $10 at the door. Come out, bring your friends, have a good time, and support our amazing youth!

The Youth Service on Sunday, April 17 (Yes, it’s the “Weekend of Youth”), will feature our youth sharing what it means to be a young UU in today’s world, focusing on our first principle: The inherent worth and dignity of each person. They are planning and leading this Multigenerational service, so be sure to attend to hear their insights and wisdom. Stay for a special Potluck afterwards.

The youth are hosting a Soup Cook-Off in which entrants will bring in their favorite soups for all to sample. Taste testers will “Vote with Their Dollars”. The famed Bean Soup Dry Mix Packets, 15 Bean and Black Bean, will also be for sale. All money collected goes towards funding the trip. Be sure to join us on May 15 for the Founder’s Day Picnic. The youth will host a Brownie Sundae Bar; there are plenty of chances to contribute to their fundraising efforts, and we appreciate every donation!

Registration is also open for the WUUC Wizarding World Camp of Fantasy and Fun. Camp will be held from June 13-17 and has a new option this year of extended care beyond the 9-2 camp time. You can find more information and registration forms on the RE Bulletin Board and online here. Registration is open until June 4 but will close sooner when camp spaces are filled, so be sure to register right away.

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