Church Leadership
Our minister is Rev. Carol Bodeau. Learn more about Rev. Bodeau here.
(Link goes to a different page on this site.)

Westside is governed by a Board of Trustees. Board members are elected by the Congregation in an annual Congregational Meeting. Our current President is Barry Shumpert. Read a welcome letter from Barry below.

Our Programs & Membership Coordinator is Elizabeth Corbett. Learn more about Elizabeth here.

Westside had its beginnings in a storefront in Farragut in 1987. We've been growing ever since!
A Welcome Letter from Our President

Barry Shumpert,
Board President
Welcome to the WUUC Website. As you will see, there is a lot going on in our church, and I hope you find things here that interest and attract you. We would love to see you at any of our various services and activities.
Our members and friends have arrived at Westside through many different routes. A few of us were brought up by UU parents and have attended UU congregations for all our lives. More of us were raised in more traditional Christian churches but found that our inner voices called on us to find our own spiritual paths. Others have come from other religious traditions. As a result, you will find all sorts of beliefs represented in our congregation: Christian, Buddhist, Earth-centered, agnostic, and atheistic, among others. You'll also find different mindsets, ranging from the strictly rational to the deeply spiritual.
So what binds us all together? It's the conviction that each of us is responsible for finding our own way to the sacred and that we can and should support each other in our individual searches. The compassionate sharing of spiritual viewpoints and experiences challenges us and helps us refine and strengthen our own theologies. In our sermons and discussions, I believe you will find ideas you agree with, some that you don't, and many that challenge you and help you grow. I am certain you will find a warm welcome, regardless of how you identify or the specifics of your beliefs.
Another thing we have in common at Westside is living our values openly in the community through social and environmental action. We are currently cultivating relationships both with The Bottom, a bookstore and community center central to the African-American community, and with Knox Pride, a multi-faceted organization supporting and serving the LGBTQ+ community. In addition, our volunteers host the VITA program offering free tax preparation for low-income, disabled, and low-English-speaking individuals. Our Green Sanctuary Committee is actively engaging us in efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and fight climate change, and our Welcoming Congregation Renewal Team works to ensure we understand, embrace, and support all people regardless of their sexual or gender identities.
We hope you will join us for some of our services and activities, either in-person or online. Please click on the “Happening at Westside” tab at the top of the home page to view our various offerings, ranging from religious/spiritual services, to online discussion groups, to interest groups, to social gatherings.
We'd love the chance to get to know you, hear your story, and maybe play a part in your life.
Board of Trustees

Barry Shumpert
Linda Fippin
Immediate Past President
Alice Thornton
Curtis Dush
Craig Brandt
Anne Harvey
Finance Chair
Shirley Vogel
Assistant Treasurer
Michele Neifing
The Board of Trustees Philosophy of Governance
The authority of the Board is derived from the trust placed in them through a vote of the congregation, or the appointment by the board as in keeping with our bylaws, to the roles they now hold. It is understood that the Board of Trustees has an identity which transcends the identities of the individuals who now serve and it is understood that the board “speaks with one voice” in its decisions and policies. The sacred obligation of the Minister and Board is to serve the Mission and Vision of the congregation.
Mindful of our respective roles as spiritual leader and fiduciary guardians, we, the Minister and Board of Trustees do hereby covenant with one another to:
• talk to each other
• be kind and authentic
• listen deeply
• give all members present time to process information before responding
• assume the best of each other
• be knowledgeable of foundational documents of the church
• learn together
• build relationships with one another
• serve the community inside and outside the church together
Mindful of our respective roles as leader of the congregation and fiduciary guardians, we, the Board of Trustees do hereby covenant with the congregation to:
• communicate decisions and policies to the congregation
• listen deeply to the congregations concerns
• provide advice and counsel to the committees of the board
• live up to the Covenant of Respectful Relations
• manage the finances of the church in a conservative and responsible way
• encourage growth and change
• work to expand the membership of the congregation
• maintain, clarify and communicate the mission and vision of the congregation
Meet our Programs & Membership Coordinator, Elizabeth Corbett
Giving Up is a Prerogative of the Privileged
Hello to everyone! Many of you know me as I’ve been a member at Westside for over twenty years, but for those who don’t, I’ll tell you a bit about myself as a way of introduction.
I’m a good Connecticut Yankee, and I moved to Knoxville in 1992 after three years in Guatemala teaching English. I’ve taught at many places in and around Knoxville, with the last fifteen or so at Lenoir City High, teaching English as a Second Language. I left in August 2020 because I was not happy with the school’s COVID policies. So for the last two years I’ve spent a lot of time trying to create purpose and meaning to my days. In some respects leaving teaching at that time and not being able to do much (because many organizations were still closed to volunteers) was a maddening experience (I like to be busy), but it was also a surprise gift because I couldn’t immediately jump into a thousand different things without much thought. So here I am two years later and my days are full and meaningful: I tutor some Italian men at a tile plant in Loudon (and I’m learning Italian on Duolingo), I work with a few Hispanic families and students in Lenoir City with my former colleague, and I volunteer with a fledgling nonprofit that’s trying to link immigrants, mental health clinicians, and lawyers. Plus I get tons of joy from swimming, biking, and running , doing my daily word puzzles, and being with my three special grandkids (children of a former student).
And, of course, I’m now Westside’s Membership Chair. Reverend Carol and the Office Administrator have helped me adjust to all the new tasks. Naturally, my main task is to increase membership! So, I’m reaching out to guests who sign our visitor cards and to Westsiders we haven’t seen in a while. As I keep learning, I’ll let you know in coming months what I’m doing and how you can help.
Finally, my title about privilege and giving up comes from (I think) Doug Muder who writes a blog called The Weekly Sift. He sometimes appears in UU World as a guest writer. But the quotation reminds me of both my privileges and of my responsibility to work for those without the very same privileges.

Elizabeth Corbett, Programs & Membership Coordinator