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A Month of Sundays

Our Sunday service begins at 11 a.m., and is livestreamed to YouTube. Click here to visit our YouTube page. Our previous live streams are archived there as well.
Below are our upcoming service topics.

Every Sunday
Spiritual Practices 
Our early Sunday morning service featuring meditation and breathing practices, quiet singing and gentle drumming, and simple yoga movements. 

Sunday, October 6th : The Fire of Community Rev. Carol Bodeau
As we celebrate the arrival of autumn, with its beautiful flaming colors, we celebrate the
fire of commitment to shared values that lies at the heart of healthy community. Today,
as we dedicate our new chalice, we explore the flame, within and without, that is the
source of life, passion, healing, and transformation.

Join us for our first Sunday potluck after the service. Please bring a delicious dish to share.

Our Spiritual Discussions group meets at 12:30.

Sunday, October 13th : Morgan Ringelspaugh on the fall Justice and Generosity Partner, Awesome Found.

Cosmic Forces:  Theologies of Nature in Times of Great Tumult  Rev. Carol Bodeau 
Unitarian Minister Ralph Waldo Emerson, in one of his famous reflections on the power of nature, said "What power does Nature not owe to her duration, of amassing infinitesimals into cosmic forces!"  Emerson was known for his theology of seeing in nature a divine presence, and the expression of spiritual truths. And his legacy is strongly felt in our own faith tradition.  But how do we grapple with nature in its destructive and 'awful' moments?  As we approach the earth-based holy day of Samhain, the mid-point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice, we grapple with theologies of the natural world that encompass both its creative and its destructive aspects.  

Sunday, October 27th : A Right of Free Suffrage Rev. Carol Bodeau
This week we learn about the struggle for suffrage—the right and ability to
vote—throughout American history, and continuing today. In particular, we will hear
some of the wisdom from the new book Represent: The Unfinished Fight for The Vote
by Michael Eric Dyson and Marc Favreau, with a focus on Native American suffrage and
powerful Yanton Dakota activist, writer and storyteller, Zitkala-Sa.

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