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Spiritual Practices
Sundays, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m
For many people, a central part of participating in religious or spiritual community is sharing practices that cultivate a deeper sense of peace, wonder and connection with something greater than ourselves.
For many years, UUs have seen such experiences as a source of inspiration, calling them “direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder.”
Join us for our Sunday morning Spiritual Practices service, in which we will share:
• Meditation and breathing practices
• Singing, chanting and drumming
• Simple yoga and other gentle movements
• Healing sounds from Himalayan bowls and other instruments
• Reflections on spiritual topics
• Learning about traditions and practices from around the world
From 9:30 to 10:00, we will engage in an active session featuring activities like yoga, Qigong, or drumming.
At 10:00, we will transition to a calm and meditative practice.
You are warmly invited to join us for one or both parts of the session.
As we seek to find peace in the face of personal or collective suffering, as we strive to settle the chatter of our minds and sink into the presence of our hearts, and as we lean into our inner knowing, we bring compassion and care into our own lives and into our world.
For more info, or to suggest a topic or practice we might explore, contact us.

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