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Energy and Rest

By Elizabeth Corbett, Programs & Membership Coordinator

Reverend Carol wrote last week in her blog about the ebb and flow of church life, programs, and energy–how it follows the school year with the rest coming during the summer months. I’d like to continue on that theme. And I’ll start by saying I know it’s the end of the school year, and we’re supposed to be winding down and getting ready for a lull in our activities and energy during the summer, but you know, I just don’t feel that when I’m at church. It seems as if every month I can write about so many goings-on, and as I look ahead to the summer, I’m not sure I see much let-up. I’m a little confused about this: one, I like the energy and the work we are doing with committees and in the community, but two, rest is good and recharging is necessary.

OK, so first the energy and the work:

I’m looking forward to the Congregational Meeting on May 19th after the service. We will hear from the Finance Committee about the Canvass and how the proposed budget is met or not. Let’s hope for M-E-T! You’ve heard people say it is a visionary budget and we’ve received updates that we were making great progress. I’m hoping we can be visionary!

Also on May 19 during the service, we will officially welcome new members. I’ll save sharing their names with you until the big reveal, but I know you’ll greet them and be your friendly selves. Our church has had many repeat visitors this spring, and your warmth has encouraged them to join us as we continue to think about new ways of working with each other and the community.

An update on Knox Pride, our Share the Plate partner for this quarter. I’ve mentioned this before, that Westside has made a move to engage the STP partner in more of a relationship (rather than just sending the organization a check at the end of three months). To that end, the current Justice and Generosity Project is to stock Knox Pride’s food pantry. They actually have two pantries and a fridge to store fresh food. So the basics: the pantry is open to anyone who comes in off the street, not only people who use the organization’s services. The most needed items are multi-pack chips, crackers, granola bars, pop tarts, mixed nuts, fruit cups, and cereal. They take shelf-stable food as well as personal care items like deodorant, chapstick, and wipes. The Knox Pride website has a lot more information and pictures, and there’s more about Knox Pride and the food pantry in the article in the newsletter. A box is in the foyer for your donations. It’s been really full, so good work on that! If you keep forgetting to bring in your food donation, making a monetary contribution through Share the Plate is helpful also.

I am also planning visits to the Knox Pride Center so we can learn more about their services. Two trips are planned: one for Thursday, May 23 at 1pm and the other for Sunday, June 9 after the service. As a matter of fact, on June 9th, John Camp from Knox Pride will be a speaker and you’ll have another opportunity to hear him and ask questions. I hope you’ll consider visiting the Center on one of the trips! Signups are on the paper sheets in the back after the Sunday service, or you can email me at if you’re interested. It’s not necessary to sign up, but it helps us plan for possible carpooling.

See, that’s lots of good energy and stuff for the supposed winding-down of the year! Rest and recharge as you need and can. More on how Westside and I personally rest and recharge in the June blog. Take a deep breath and wait patiently.

You can email, text, or call me with any questions. My contact information is

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