Kroger Community Rewards at Westside
Westside is now particpating in the Kroger Community Rewards program, which is tied directly into your Kroger Plus Card. Every time you shop at Kroger, Westside gets a donation. In order to participate, each shopper must register their card and indicate Westside as their charity of choice.
To sign up with Kroger Community Rewards, follow these instructions:
1. Open up your web browser and go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com
(To keep this page up and the instructions active, open up another "tab" in your browser and go to the kroger site in that tab. In this way, you can switch between the instructions and the kroger page.)

2. At the upper right part of the page, you should see these two buttons:

It is very likely that you have not registered your Kroger card before now. If you have not, hit "Register."
If you have registered your Kroger card before, hit "Sign In." Proceed to step 9.
3. The first thing we will do is create an account with Kroger, and register your Kroger Plus Card. Hitting "Register" in step two will take you to the following screen:

4. Enter in your email address. Enter in a password, being mindful of the password strength requirements. Write down your password, or tell your browser to remember it.
You can choose to have Kroger email you with special offers, or not.
5. Select your preferred store. If you live out of the area, enter the ZIP code and search for your local Kroger. Farragut residents can enter 37934.

5. Once you locate and choose your store, hit "create account." You should see the following screen:

6. Check your email inbox for an email from Kroger. Follow the instructions to activate your account. It is likely that you will need to sign back in to your Kroger account, using the password you entered earlier.
7. Go to "My Account."

8. On the Account Summary page, find the "Plus Card" area, and hit "Add." The following screen should be displayed:

Enter in your Kroger Plus Card number, located on the back of the Kroger Plus Card. You do not have to worry about spaces. Enter your last name. Hit "Save."
9. Now that you've created an account with Kroger and added your Kroger Plus Card, it's now time to link your card with the Community Rewards Program, and Westside. On the Account Summary page, find the Community Rewards section at the bottom of the page.

Hit "Enroll." The following screen will be displayed:

10. Enter in your contact information. Items marked with an asterisk are required. Hit "Save." The following screen should display:

Enter HC862 and hit "Search." You can also search for the church's name.The following screen should be displayed:

11. Choose Westside Unitarian Universalist Church and hit "Enroll." This will return you to the Account Summary Page. If you've done everything correctly, the information under "Community Rewards" bar at the bottom of the page should look like this:

12. You're finished! You can now Sign Out at the top of the page.

Your participation in the Kroger Community Rewards program will need to be renewed on a yearly basis. It is unclear at this time whether or not Kroger sends out an email reminding customers to renew. We will update the site with new information as it becomes available.