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Donations Welcome
Your gifts support the work of Westside Unitarian Universalist Church, and they help transform lives throughout the Knoxville community.
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We accept

As well as

For Bank Transfer, please have your Bank Account and Bank Routing information ready.
Clicking the link above will take you to our secure donation site.
Instructions for Donating
Instructions for Donating
For recurring donations, you must create a profile through Vanco.
Want to make a "One Time" Donation to Westside?
On the donation site, choose the appropriate Fiscal year. Currently it is "Pledge 2024/25."
You can specify the amount as well as the frequency: "Once, now" or "Once on a future date". You can then choose a Start Date. You do not need to create an account to make a one time donation. Feel free to leave us a note in the note window as well. We appreciate you.
Want to make a Recurring Donation (A Pledge) to Westside?
On the donation stie, choose the appropriate Fiscal year. Currently it is "Pledge 2024/25."
You can specify the amount as well as the frequency: "Once, now"; "Once on a future date"; and "Monthly." You can then choose a Start Date.
If you plan on making a recurring donation (Pledge), you must create an account. This will allow you to keep track of your donations.
Want to donate to our "Share the Plate" Partner?
On the donation site, choose "Share the Plate" in the window below. Recurring donations to our STP partners will require you to create an account. Our STP partner changes quarterly. Therefore, we recommend making a one-time donation instead of recurring donations to our STP partners. Learn about our current STP partner.
Want to donate to our Endowment Funds?
An Endowment gift helps to ensure that Westside will continue to thrive for years to come.
Endowment funds cannot be used for operational expenses. Instead, disbursements from our Endowment funds pay for things like fresh flowers in our Sanctuary, building improvements, new parking lot lights, and more.
For Endowment Gifts, see the Instructions below.
For an explanation of the other funds you can donate to, see the Donation Options below.
Endowment Giving
Westside has two separate Endowment Funds.
⦿ One fund is administered by Westside, through Vanguard
⦿ One fund is administered by East Tennessee Foundation
To donate to our internally-managed Endowment Fund, scroll up to the Online Donation Page window above. In the "Other Gifts" area, enter in your desired dollar amount. You can specify the frequency your donation will occur: "Once, now"; "Once on a future date"; and "Monthly." You can then choose a Start Date.
In the "Note" box, "Endowment Fund," and any other information you want us to know.
If this is a recurring gift, you must create an account.
To donate to our Endowment Fund that is managed by the East Tennessee Foundation, click on the ETF button below and follow the simple onscreen instructions. You will need a credit/debit card.
Click Button to Go to ETF Page
Click Button to Go to ETF Page
If above link does not work, visit and search for "Westside Unitarian Universalist Church" in the search box under "Donate To A Fund"
Donation Options
Donation Options
Pledges for Current Year
Religious Education: Make a donation for a specific RE activity.
Share the Plate: Make a donation to our Share the Plate partner.
Other Gifts: Donate to our Endowment Fund, managed by Vanguard.
Auction: Pay for an item or activity purchased at one of our auctions. If this item is unavailable, use "Other Gifts" and specify in the Note window that your donation is to pay for an auction item. Describe the auction item.
We accept

As well as

If you're ready to donate, click the link below. You will be taken to our Vanco donation portal.
Thank You!
Secure Payment Processing Provided By

Westside Unitarian Universalist Church handles sensitive cardholder information daily. Sensitive Information must have adequate safeguards in place to protect the cardholder data, cardholder privacy, and to ensure compliance with various regulations, along with guarding the future of the organization.
Westside Unitarian Universalist Church commits to respecting the privacy of all its customers and to protecting any customer data from outside parties. To this end management are committed to maintaining a secure environment in which to process cardholder information so that we can meet these promises.
Westside Unitarian Universalist Church does not receive or store cardholder information. All cardholder information is processed by Vanco Payment Solutions.
To see our full Information Security Policy, click here. PDF File
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