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Welcoming the New

Dear friends,

With the summer comes a changing of the guard at Westside. Our Board officers transition to new positions, with the following changes happening effective this month:

  • Anne Harvey ends her (extended) term as Past President

  • Barry Shumpert moves from President to Past President

  • Gillian Hunt steps up as President

  • Chris Edkins steps in as President Elect

  • Len Walker steps aside as Finance Chair, and we welcome Suzanne Molnar in that role

Thank you all for your service to this community!

Another big change that many of you may not know about is a change in the roles of our Director or Religious Education, Wendy Weiss. Wendy has a new job title: Programs and Membership Coordinator. At least, that’s what we’re calling it at present, as we explore the best ways she can use her many skills to serve Westside. Wendy will be working 15 hours again (instead of the 20 she was working last year), and will be shifting her priorities to include a number of Membership-related tasks in addition to keeping the RE program going.

She will be devoting some of her hours to maintaining our Sunday morning RE, but will also be creating materials, events and consistent contact for our new visitors and members. She’s going to begin by creating brochures that explain ways to get engaged at Westside, including committees, special events, and programs. She’ll be coordinating volunteers for our usual fellowship events like coffee hour, potluck, and Camp, and helping new people get connected to these and other activities. And she’ll be keeping her eyes and ears open to the needs of members, both long-term and brand-new, as part of her service on the Committee on Ministry.

Please take a moment to check in with Wendy when you get a chance, to share your thoughts with her, and to offer your support. And take time to thank her and all our Board leaders for their dedication and service to Westside.

In peace and gratitude,

Rev. Carol

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