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"Music Ministers to Us"

Rev. Jason Shelton shared these words with us in last week’s service and they’ve been resonating with me ever since, “Music ministers to us.” He went on to share that, while his job title has been “Music Minister,” it’s really music that does the ministry.

Music is how we as UUs reflect our values. In fact, the Table of Contents in our hymnals are even organized by our Sources. These hymns reinforce our principles to guide our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Music gives us the ability to express those moments of W.O.W. (Wonder Occasions Worship, according to Rev. Shelton), moments of pause in our daily lives to which we offer our gratitude.

How does music minister to you? How does it guide your spiritual growth? How does it help to express those moments of W.O.W.?

Let’s chat, I’d love to hear how music ministers to you:

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