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Spring 2018 RE Update

I’m watching snowflakes drift for the second day this week as I begin to write this mid-March article. While we’re not quite sure when spring weather will actually arrive this year, we are still preparing for spring activities. We’ve got several notable RE Program events in the next couple of months as we wrap of the program year in celebrations of the season and our congregation.

This Sunday, March 18, the Youth Group Spring Bake Sale will be held during potluck. They are raising funds to offset the costs for their volunteer mentors’ and their own costs for participation in the Coming of Age program. They’ve spent time at the Highlander Center during the UUA weekend in January focusing on their service projects and a weekend at Camp Wesley Woods with their mentors experiencing challenge courses and spending time on their credos, their statement of faith at this point in their lives. They’ve shared these moments with youth from TVUUC and ORUUC as the cluster DREs have coordinated this program this year.

It’s been a truly amazing experience for the youth, so be sure to ask them about it this Sunday and be sure to come to their Coming of Age Service on April 29. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our youth as they grow and learn as members of our congregation what it is to be UU. Also, keep your eyes out for another fundraiser in April that the youth are planning!

Sunday, April 1, Easter Fools’ Day Egg Hunt. This year, Easter and April Fool’s fall on the same day, and in honor of both, we’ll have an Easter Egg Hunt with a twist. The Egg Hunt will be held on the grounds after the service—you never know just what’s in store as the Easter Bunny wears a jester’s cap this year and mixes in some April Fool’s mayhem. Bring your best riddle solving abilities and your sense of humor for this adventurous egg hunt!

Friday, April 6, Seder Dinner. This annual Passover celebration honors the traditions of the Seder dinner and is a family event. It is a sweet time of remembrance and of honoring everyone present as we gather year after year around this table.

Sunday, April 29, Coming of Age Service. The Youth Group will lead this service and share what they have learned and experience during the Coming of Age program with their fellow cluster UU youth. Our Westside youth will read their credos, their statement of faith that expresses their beliefs during this stage of their lives. As young UUs growing into adulthood in our Westside congregation, they represent a snapshot of where we are now as a faith community and offer a glimpse into the future of Westside and our UU faith tradition. Come hear them speak and support them on their journey.

Sunday, May 6, Teacher Appreciation. Our service will celebrate and thank our RE Teachers who have given so generously of their time and their hearts throughout the year. Many of our teachers also serve on the RE Committee and other committees in the church. Theirs is a ministry that benefits the children, the young at heart, and the congregation as a whole. Let’s show them a little extra love and appreciation!

Sunday, May 13, Mother’s Day and Bridging. Two of our youth are graduating this year and we’ll honor them with a Bridging ceremony and celebration. Madeline Lee and Logan Youmans are preparing to take their first steps into adulthood, and we are honored to share in this special time with them. How many of you remember them as children at Westside? Bring your stories to share with them after the service! May 13 is also the final day of the 2017/18 RE Program year. Our end of year party will be a part of the Bridging celebration after the service.

June 11-15 Westside’s Wizarding World of Fantasy and Fun. Our Summer Camp based on the Harry Potter book series. You can learn more about camp and register here:

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