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The weather warms up, the trees leaf out, the flowers begin to bloom, and we humans get busy creating and attending events. That’s true of the next few months at Westside and in our Religious Exploration Program as well. Our calendar is filling with all kinds of celebrations through May, so be sure to plan to be there!

This Friday, April 14, is our Annual Seder Dinner in honor of Passover. It will be held at 6 pm in the sanctuary. Sunday, April 16, is our Easter Egg Hunt, which will take place after the service. Be sure to have your children bring their Easter baskets and plan to stay for potluck afterwards. RE classes will continue through May 14, which will be our last day of the 2016-17 RE Program year.

May 14’s service will be our Bridging Ceremony to honor our graduating senior, Celestial. We will also thank our classroom teachers and helpers with a Volunteer Recognition. During the RE hour after the service, the RE Program will enjoy one last party with all the classrooms and wish everyone well as they venture off into summer. The adults of the congregation are invited to attend the Congregational Meeting.

As we look out over the last Sundays of our RE Program, we’re also looking ahead to our Summer RE Program and Westside’s Summer Camp. Summer RE is a more casual, informal time for the children (PreK-5th grades) to play and enjoy activities with different people from our congregation. If you’d like to spend a Sunday playing games, bringing in a craft project, doing a science experiment, or just playing on the playground, please sign up on the RE Bulletin Board or talk with DRE Wendy Weiss Southern.

We also need helpers in the classroom during the summer, so check the bulletin board to

see if there’s someone you’d like to work with, or find a pal to sign up with and co-lead. It’s really a fun way to spend time with the children and get to know them better. They love spending time with you!

Contact DRE Wendy Weiss Southern to volunteer for Summer RE and Summer Camp: 865.226.9191 or

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