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REflections from Wendy

Wendy Weiss Southern,

Director of Religious Education

This year’s Halloween party in RE was simple and so, so much fun. What more do you need than pumpkins to decorate, mini cupcakes, apple cider, a warm fall day, and trick or treating? Our children and youth came dressed up and ready to party. Parents, thank you for taking the time to bring out the costumes a little early for all of us to enjoy. The children are adorable any time of the year, but the cuteness factor was off the charts on Sunday!

Our Elementary and Spirit Play children decorated little pumpkins to take home and played on the playground as their characters. That good old tire swing was a magic spell generator. Two of them worked together, turning me into a frog and then back to human again. (When I protested at being human again, I was granted the ability to be both.) I’m sure others faced similar fates as they encountered new subjects to charm.

Double, double toil and trouble

Can you believe the youth posed with their pumpkins for this photo? We sweetened the deal by allowing some amount of fire beyond their Jack-O-Lantern candles. “You want to light your pumpkins on fire? Sure. Picture first though.” They did an excellent job of carving their pumpkins with knives, so fire was the next creative frontier. We provided safe guidelines, and they were amenable. It’s just so much more fun with some element of danger.

Youth Jack-O-Lanterns

For those of you who stayed for the Committee Fair, you know that we had a special visitor in the sanctuary for our combined Committee Table Tricks or Treats. The children were truly delighted. It was a great joy to see the adults and children enjoy each other and the festivities together. Some of the children actually sold their Halloween candy and snuck their cash prizes into the empty collection plates in the office. What enterprising philanthropists!

Committee Fair Tricks or Treats

The fair was a wonderful demonstration of all that goes on at Westside and of all who contribute to our community. There are always people to thank for the work that goes on unseen each week. Our RE Halloween Party and the Committee Fair are two of the more visible examples of this. Remember the ongoing efforts as we move into the season of thanksgiving and know that all are welcome to participate to any degree they can. Genuine gratitude is abundant and free flowing for all acts of kindness.

Strong female characters and a damsel in distress.

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