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SpringBoard - Governance in Motion


Beth Sandidge, President, Board of Trustees

Well, this is my last blog entry as your president. It is time for leadership to transition. Anne Harvey will be your new president. I have trust in her leadership abilities. Len Walker is on board as the President Elect. He has served well on the transition team in helping Westside strengthen our mission and vision. He will make a great addition to the board conversations.

As a past president, I will be helping in any way Westside needs me. I am remaining involved in RE as well as helping out with the newly re-formed Membership committee. I have grown in my year as the president, but I am glad to have a limit on my service in this capacity.

I am thankful for Reverend Morris' help and guidance during this time. His wisdom and knowledge of all things UUA has helped us to focus our attention on our priorities. It is truly great that we had his mentorship for these past two years.

I am pleased with the reception and relationship we have with Reverend Carol. I feel optimistic about her guidance for our congregation in the years to come. Her enthusiasm and courage for open dialogue will help strengthen our community and us as individuals. This will lead to better understanding and service with each other and those in need.

The board is working well these days. We have open discussions of current needs and concerns. We utilize the democratic process in our business practices. Involvement from you is important in order for this to continue. By practicing good governance Westside will continue to have honest development and growth as a faith community.

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