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Say Hello to Westside's New Members!

By Elizabeth Corbett, Programs & Membership Coordinator

Yippee for this weather! And Yippee for Westside’s new members! Westside recognized five new members on Sunday during the worship service: Brian & DeAnna, Joey, and Judith & Mark. Barbara, who’s been a member for a while, joined them in signing the membership book. And Ann signed the book later in the day during Earth Church. Lovely to add all their voices, talents, and enthusiasm to ours. I hope you will find time to say hello and get to know them!

As the seasons change, we’re winding down our fall Justice and Generosity Projects. November 19, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, will be the last day we’ll collect for the two projects. Boxes for both have been overflowing, so thank you for your generosity! And in case you’re thinking, well, bummer, I forget what these projects are and what I can do, here’s a quick reminder: we’re collecting period products for Lenoir City Middle School and Lenoir City High School, and second, we’re collecting clothing and toiletry items for Samantha Monday’s program with the Knox County Sheriff’s Department. So, November 19th is the last day to donate to those two worthy causes.

And then it’s time to start up the winter Justice and Generosity Project–I don't have specific information yet on the children we’ll be sharing our Christmas love with, but like we did last year, we’ll be shopping for Family Promise kids. Stay tuned on that! It’ll be a quick turnaround as we get the information, distribute the names among us, and be ready to wrap everything on Sunday, December 10, after the service when we decorate the church. But that’s all lots of fun, so mark your calendar!

Alice T. reminded all of us about our ongoing Justice and Generosity Project–filling the food donation box in the foyer. She and Jerry take what we collect to another Farragut church that then stocks a food pantry. I came across an article the other day about what food pantries need, and here are some ideas if you’re tired of picking out chicken soup and peanut butter:

● flour, sugar, salt and pepper, and other basic herbs and spices (cinnamon, oregano, garlic and/or onion salt)

● olive oil or other cooking oil

● anything that is appropriate for a special diet, such as cashew butter, gluten free bread, sugar-free jam or cookies

● baby food and formula

● cleaning supplies

Thank you, Alice, for the reminder…another easy way for Westsiders to help the community.

If you’re looking for a night out, The Bottom has an answer for you! Its newly formed artist collective, Ceramic Soul, will have its inaugural exhibition on Friday night, November 17, at the Emporium in Knoxville from 6-9pm. If you can’t make it that night, check out the exhibit one day. It starts November 7 and ends November 25. Looks like a fun way to support The Bottom!

We’re always looking for more ideas for projects and organizations to assist, so let me know of any ideas you have. I also welcome comments and questions in general 🙂. You can email me at

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