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Invite a Westsider or Visitor Along!

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

By Elizabeth Corbett, Programs & Membership Coordinator

Lots of church news to share, and these are ways you can get to know Westsiders in different activities! First is our annual retreat. Coming up this Saturday, October 14, at Cove Lake State Park. People will hike, sit by the lake, bike the trails, and enjoy the glorious fall day with other Westsiders. Bring a potluck dish to share at our lunch at 1pm. See this week’s newsletter for more details.

Are you looking for another fun way to participate in a Westside event? Think about doing something for the auction coming up on Sunday, January 21. If you like decorating or organizing items or bringing a dessert to share or even cleaning up after, contact This event is fun with music and eating and mingling and supporting Westside. Again, stay tuned to the Wednesday newsletter for coming information.

Maybe you can engage a Westsider in their thoughts about service to the community? Join one of our Justice and Generosity Projects for the fall! First, we’re collecting period products for Lenoir City Middle School and Lenoir City High School. These items are truly needed, and even if you’ve already contributed a box of pads or tampons, get a Westsider to split the cost of a few more with you–the schools really appreciate it! Drop off pads and tampons of any size in the box in the church foyer. So easy. Second, we’re collecting needed items for Samantha Monday’s program with the Knox County Sheriff’s Department. Invite a Westsider to go shopping with you and split the cost! The newsletter has more specifics on both these projects. And, coming up in November, we’ll be shopping for Family Promise kids like we did last year. Stay tuned on that!

I’m writing lots about how to engage Westsiders because Westside has had a number of repeat visitors lately, and they say they want to be involved with church activities. About ten repeat visitors attended a Welcome Luncheon with Reverend Carol and me on October 1 after church. Encouraging visitors to stay for coffee or to participate in one of our regular functions (such as Book Club, Earth Church, Safety Volunteer, Green Sanctuary or the many others) is easy to do and is a way to share our UU values with others. It’s not knocking on doors or standing at store entrances repeating Bible verses like other religions may do, but inviting our visitors and our many members we do not see regularly to an event or committee is a UU way of sharing and growing in our faith, purpose, and values.

Let me know of any questions, concerns, or ideas you have.

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