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I Believe in the Good Things Coming

Rev. Carol Bodeau

Happy almost-spring, friends.

I hope that you are experiencing some wonderful time in the greening outdoors, and that the feeling of possibility is awake in your life. At Westside, there’s a lot of ‘growing’ going on.

Many years ago, when I first started my work as minister for this congregation, we had conversations about the difference between ‘numeric’ and ‘developmental’ growth for church communities. Sometimes, we get so caught up in looking at attendance numbers, that we forget to pay attention to the ways things are thriving and changing in other, less quantifiable ways. But it is clear to me that, despite the covid-lull experienced by Westside (like all other church communities) we are experiencing a burst of new energy at WUUC

In the last few months, a number of major positive changes have occurred:

• We paid off our mortgage

• We updated our slogan to “Love Unites, Caring Connects, Community Thrives”

• We established a new Stewardship Team, which is responsible for attending to the long-term financial vision and health of Westside

• We created a new Aesthetics Team, to help brighten up our building and grounds in ways that match our new energy

• We’ve seen a number of new visitors, friends and members join the community

• We’ve added both a new Spiritual Practices service each Sunday morning, and a new Spiritual Discussion group on Sunday afternoons

• We are reviewing and updating our Safety protocols and

• We have revived our commitment to environmental work through our Green Sanctuary Committee

There’s a LOT going on, and it’s all great stuff. These are incredible developmental growth signs; the ministries of Westside are thriving. And we are, of course, also seeing that matched with some numeric growth as well. I believe that we are in a great place, with positive energy for the future and incredible possibilities ahead of us.

Thank you for being part of the movement. Let’s co-create something wonderful together!

In faith and hope for a world made brighter by your presence,

Rev. Carol

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