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REflections from Wendy

Wendy Weiss Southern,

Director of Religious Education

Have you seen the RE classrooms? By the work of many hands, we have freshly painted floors and walls and newly arranged spaces that are harmonious and welcoming for all uses! It looks great, and we have many, many people to thank for that. So thank you, one and all.

As you may know, we are getting ready for our 2015-16 RE Program year, which kicks off on Aug. 30. Our focus this year will be UU Heritage and Identity: Past, Present, and Future. We are working with Rev. Carol and the Worship Committee to coordinate RE lessons with worship topics each Sunday. Won’t it be wonderful to speak across the age spectrum of our congregation about where we come from, who we are, and who we hope to become? These are the conversations we look forward to inspiring this year!

The RE Committee and I have been recruiting assistant teachers and guest speakers to work with all ages of children and youth. We still have many opportunities for you to be involved. Yes you! No prior teaching experience is required. We have a strong group of lead teachers who are designing the curriculum and will lead the lesson each Sunday. Assistant teachers do just that: help the lead teachers in the classroom by participating in the lesson, helping the children with projects (and the all-important snack time in younger age groups), and generally enjoying the company of children and youth.

While it might seem like a not too important job in the scheme of things, having assistant teachers is essential to our program. Without you, we can’t hold classes. We are dedicated to upholding Safe Congregations standards. For the safety of all involved, we need two adults in each classroom. Simple math tells us that we need eight adults each Sunday. Volunteering once per month helps us to run a safe and vibrant program.

We’re always happy to welcome new people to expand our religious education experience. If you don’t hear from one of us, please call me at 405.2633 or visit me during office hours. I’m at Westside on Sundays from 9-3 and Wednesday from 11-4, or by appointment. Come be a part of the conversation and invest in the future of Westside by being involved in RE this year!

In spirit,


Watch for announcements detailing ways you can be involved in the RE Program. Please contact me if you would like to volunteer. We have many different opportunities to support the RE Program!

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