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Morris' Musings


Rev. Morris Hudgins, Senior Minister

June 2015

Rev. Morris W. Hudgins

This will be my last article as Interim Minister of Westside. Brad calls it a "blog." I am not sure I know what a "blog" is, but I guess I have been doing it for some time. Before, it was printed; now, it is on the internet!

At the last Board meeting I told the Board how much I have enjoyed this ministry. I am very optimistic about the future of Westside because of the progress you have made. You revised your Mission and Vision Statements. You looked back at your history. You supported and created a Water Feature in memory of Linda Kraeger. You sponsored a Compassionate Communications Workshop for the District that was well attended. Most important of all you have called a very competent and dedicated minister to serve you as you go forward. I have enjoyed working with Carol this year and I wish her all the best here at Westside.

For the next two years I will be attending the Foothills UU Fellowship in Maryville. At the end of two years I will decide what I will do then. This summer I will be attending the Southeast UU Summer Institute at Virginia Tech, then will preach in Williamsburg, VA. They asked me to consider becoming their Interim Minister, but I said it is time for me to retire.

In the coming years I will be looking for a subject in Tennessee history to research. I will keep playing golf and enjoying the life of Tellico Village where Marti and I live. I hope to visit our grandchildren, do some travelling, and work in the yard.

For my last services I preach on these subjects:

June 7: “Reflections on 45 Years of Ministry”

June 14: “The Tear Cup” A look at an ancient Jewish tradition.

June 21: “Sacred Space” What is it, and how does it become sacred?

Rev. Morris Hudgins

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