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Morris' Musings


Rev. Morris Hudgins, Senior Minister

February 2015

Rev. Morris W. Hudgins

The water feature in memory of Linda Kraeger has been installed. I hope you have had a chance to see it. We should all thank Duane Kraeger for all of his work on this project and those who gave donations to Linda’s Memorial Fund in the past. For those who were not here after the tragedy, donations to the Linda Kraeger Memorial Fund would be appreciated. There was not enough in the fund to pay for the feature. In the coming weeks the dirt removed to install the rocks will be spread, and new grass planted. We will dedicate the Memorial on April 12th.

I want to thank all of you who helped with the Compassionate Communications Workshop, January 30-31. It was a success because of all your hard work. I especially want to thank Shirley McGuire who coordinated the food from Florida, and Linda and Terry Tyler who worked tirelessly to coordinate the food at the church. I thank all of you who prepared chili and other food on Friday, helped with set-up and clean-up. Rev. Carol coordinated childcare. Brad Kurtz helped with the flyer and registration. The volunteers from Oak Ridge helped with registration and small group facilitation. Carlton Elliott Smith, from the Regional Office, ran the workshop. Elizabeth Corbett and Marti Toms hosted guests from out of town. Finally, I want to thank all of you who attended (over 20) from Westside. Over 50 attended from Tennessee and South Carolina, including Cookville, Knoxville, Maryville, Oak Ridge, and Greenville.

Rev. Morris Hudgins

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