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SpringBoard - Governance in Motion


Beth Sandige, President, Board of Trustees

Westside Family, I am writing this letter to all in order to inform you of some current events that need your attention. As members of this congregation, based on our dedication to the democratic process, information is what will guide us to make Westside a stronger spiritual community. In my monthly letters I plan on sharing the information discussed at the most recent board meetings. Please remember, these meetings are open to visitors and the board welcomes input from the congrega-tion. With your input, we can serve this community best.

The July board meeting was held on Sunday, July 13. There were many items to discuss, including the current bridge being built by Jonas Holdeman, the "fair-use" of the Hogwart's name for our summer camp, establishing a privacy policy, our progress with the ministerial search, and funding.

Jerry Thornton led the bridge discussion. If you have not already noticed it, please take time to look for the con-struction taking place at the creek. Jonas Holdeman is building a new bridge. Its primary purpose is to aid in mowing the lawn on the far side of the creek. Jerry informed us that the City of Farragut has questioned the new bridge's zoning compliance. Jerry will be represent-ing WUUC at the next Zoning Commission meeting. We feel that Jerry has the best interest of Westside and will represent us well in getting this issue resolved. We appreciate Jerry's commitment to our community.

Linda Chavez was present as the RE representative and presented a "fair-use" explanation of the Hogwart's name for our summer camp. Recently, there has been some question as to what legal rights WUUC has in using the Hogwarts name. The curriculum purchased in 2011 by then DRE Debi Campbell has a "fair-use" state-ment and a letter from a UUA lawyer regarding the Hogwarts names. Based on that information, we feel we have not stepped outside the bounds of "fair use." Hog-warts will be back next year, but the RE Committee may consider renaming the camp and the activities. Thanks to Linda for gathering and presenting this information.

Brad Kurtz and Kathy Spoon have brought to our attention the lack of a privacy policy to protect our online presence. It is best practice to have a privacy policy. It keeps our website safe and informs visitors how we will be collecting and using their information. This is a part of who we are as a commu-nity. It reinforces our commitment to the UU principles, especially "justice, equity, and compassion in human relations." I found more information at this website: We will be looking into a policy and deciding on one in the near future. The board appreciates the dedication and diligence Brad and Kathy have demonstrated by bringing up this item.

Len Walker of the Ministerial Search Committee pre-sented several items regarding the board's responsibili-ties in continuing the search for a new minister. The board had to choose how we would proceed in funding the search process for a minister. Based on Finance Chair Terry Tyler's recommendations, the decision was made to continue using guidance from the UUA in our search. This gives us the best options for choosing our next minister. Len Walker and the search committee are doing a fantastic job of managing this complicated and time-consuming process.

I personally am not fond of the quote from the musical Cabaret, "Money makes the world go round," but I ac-knowledge its veracity. The board is pleased with how Terry Tyler and Craig Brandt are managing our financial resources. They have done a great job in getting a clear picture of what we have, how it can be used, and what we need in order to proceed to strengthen and grow Westside. I hope we all may find our own method of providing the financial or physical support it takes to maintain and grow an establishment such as we have. I know that my personal budget does not allow for an extravagant pledge, but I do pledge and I do give of myself through volunteering. I have been so rewarded by my experiences in being a part of Westside. It is my pleasure to give what I can and be a part in continuing our mission and vision.

Thank you for being a part of this spiritual community.

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