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The Show Must Go On

By Chris Edkins, President of the Board of Trustees

I am definitely feeling a little out of sorts right now. For a few years now my life has been built around a comfortable routine of recovery meetings and church events, including Sunday worship and committee meetings. With everything being closed and the strong suggestion to stay safe at home, my mind is casting around for the next future event to provide structure to my day or week. I am one of the lucky ones though. I already worked from home before social distancing, and my job is not currently threatened so I am able to help where I can.

The life of the Church also goes on. The WUUC staff are doing their jobs, providing pastoral care to members, coordinating volunteers to help provide much needed connection in these times of physical separation, and of course keeping our communications running. My thanks to the kind volunteer who dropped chocolate rice crispy bars in our newspaper box last week. They were delicious. The WUUC board of trustees is meeting more often to keep tabs on the developing situation and to make the decisions needed for us to adapt to the changing circumstances, and to ensure that we can protect the work and future of Westside as we move through the current situation. Please keep your pledges coming in if you are able. The work of the church does not stop because we can not meet in person for Sunday service, and so we ask for your continuing support. You can pay your pledge, or donate securely on the church web site at We will also be reaching out to people by phone and electronic media to move forward our pledge campaign for the next year, so stay tuned. Reverend Carol has often said that we are in the business of saving lives. When things are at their darkest, a light of human warmth and hope can set us back on our feet with renewed purpose. At this time, the work of the Westside staff and the love that we show to each other are needed more than ever. Stay safe and connected. Chris Edkins

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