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New Leaves

by Gillian Hunt

Happy New Year everyone! I do realize that we are more than halfway through January, and if you are like many people, any resolutions you may have made for the new year got left off on January 12th. I don’t believe in setting new year’s resolutions, preferring the flexibility of thinking of each new week, day, or even moment as a new opportunity to make positive choices and affirm commitments. I also fall back on my Rumi – “Even if you have broken your vows a thousand times, come, yet again, come.”

The board is getting ready to ramp up for the second half of the church year. We’ve got a lot on our plate in the coming months. The UUA has rolled out a revamp of their Welcoming Congregations program, and an ad hoc committee of a few Westsiders have been assembled to find out more about what that would entail so we can know what is needed to renew our status. Stay tuned for more information coming about what they learn.

At the end of March, we’ll have our next congregational meeting where we will vote on a slate of candidates for seats on the board for next year, and have an initial look at the budget for next year. If you’re like me, even hearing the word “budget” is enough to make my eyes droop, but I’m hoping that everyone will make time to stay after service on the 31st, make your voices heard, and get your questions answered. It’s feedback from this meeting that sets the goal for our canvass, and confirms that we’re all on the same page in regards to our priorities for funding the coming year. The coming of canvass also means that the canvass kick-off party is coming up. The finance committee and board has started to plan that event which always adds some fun momentum to that effort.

As always, I’d like to remind you that board meetings are open meetings. If you have any interest in church governance or possibly serving on the board in the future, consider yourself personally invited by me to attend. We meet on the third Sunday of every month at 9am in the RE wing.

Best wishes for warmth and light,

Gillian Hunt

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