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A Time of Many Thanks

As the holidays approach, there is a festivity rising, a wanting to share time celebrating, wanting to talk more and be around each other. It’s a homey, cozy time of year.This time of year we feel the truth of the adage “the hearth is the heart of the home,” and our hearth at Westside is our coffee hour. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, join me in the praises of one of life’s simple pleasures.

Many thanks to our Precision Coffee Team, who arrive early to prepare the coffee and offerings. Set everything up, put everything out, and then clean up afterwards. Give them a hand. No, literally, on any given Sunday the person making coffee could use a hand in the kitchen, especially on clean up. Offer your thanks for their regular coffee service to our congregation by offering to help them one Sunday every now and again!

Many thanks to all of you who have informally joined the Cookie Brigade. We’ve seen a number of delicious treats arrive to share with everyone each Sunday. It’s a wonderful offering that is so very appreciated by all who enjoy a sweet treat with their coffee or tea. Thank you for bringing happiness in some form of baked good or snack to share. For those of you thinking about bringing something from time to time, anything is welcome. And if we get more than we can use on any given Sunday, we can store if for another week.

Many thanks to all of you coffee and tea drinkers, who fill our sanctuary with conversation, laughter, and fellowship. For those who stay and continue the closeness of the benediction, the holding of hands transformed to hugs of greeting and embracing each other in your presence; you express the heart of Westside. It’s a joy to see everyone together and enjoying each other’s stories, getting to know each other better, and folding new and visiting people into our community.

Many thanks to those who are new to Westside or stop by for a visit from another part of town or from another region of our country. We welcome you and look forward to the chance to get to know you better over the next weeks and months. Please join us for our “Welcome to Westside Lunch and Learn” this Sunday, Nov. 18 after the service during potluck.

If you’d like to be beloved by every Westsider, join the Precision Coffee Team! Rotation is about once a month. If you love to please a crowd and can make a mean cup of coffee, contact Wendy Weiss 865.226.9191 or, and she’ll get you in touch with Lorie Allion who will show you the ropes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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