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President Hunt's Fall Blog

Greetings! The last official day of summer is behind us, and I can tell by the returning faces I'm seeing on Sunday mornings that our church community is coming back together after the summer. The board and stewardship committees have been hard at work preparing for the upcoming congregational meeting, Sunday Oct 28 after church. At September’s potluck, Barry Shumpert and Craig Brandt shared the first primer of what the board is presenting for congregational approval. The bylaws have had a tune-up to tighten up some of the language and more clearly define certain roles and responsibilities. The endowment plan has undergone its first revision since Westside adopted it in 2006 and gives further options for how future endowment contributions can be invested. There will be more opportunities in the coming weeks to get everyone up to speed and address everyone's questions and concerns prior to putting it to the vote at the end of October.

The board has also selected Bridge Refugee Services as the share the plate partner for the last quarter of the year. Thanks to everyone who gave us suggestions of organizations that tie in with our immigration and citizenship justice theme. Bridge Refugee Services is an East Tennessee organization that serves refugee populations in Knoxville and Chattanooga. They help arrange for housing, household items, and food for newly arrived individuals and families and assist with job searches. More information about them can be found on their website at

Lastly, I want to remind you that all board meetings are open to the general congregation. If you have any interest in keeping abreast on what the board is talking about, or if you have any interest in serving as a trustee in the future, please feel free to join us at our meetings. The next meeting is Sunday October 14th at 9am. You can let me know that you'd like to attend by emailing and I'll make sure that I bring extra copies of the agenda and any other documents we'll be reviewing.

See you Sunday!


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