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Caring Connections

Dear friends,

As we take time this year to review our 7 core Principles of Unitarian Universalism, we have the opportunity to renew our connections with, and our commitment to, one another and our tradition.

Many of you attended our recent “Courage to Love” celebration, which included a huge worship service attended by over 650 UU’s from the local Knoxville area churches. It was so inspiring and energizing to be with so many people of like mind and heart, together in one place. There are already plans underway to do this again, and the enthusiasm that this experience generated reminds us of many important things:

  • We are not alone: there are many caring, connected individuals and congregations around to support us

  • We are stronger when we are together: there is support, strength and encouragement in this community

  • We all matter: the contributions we each make feed into the larger collective pool of energy, resources, and possibility

At Westside, we are currently launching a new initiative, called Caring Connections, which will allow us all to both give and receive more fully in our collective community. You’ll be hearing more about this on Feb. 18, at a worship service dedicated to the topic. We will all have a chance to respond to surveys asking both what needs we may have, and what gifts or services we can offer, to support our community.

Communities are made of the connections which bind individuals together into something larger. And these connections are made of caring words, deeds, and relationships. That collective celebration of the Courage to Love gave us a feeling for what it’s like to be part of something much bigger, and now we can carry that energy home to Westside in a renewed commitment to our shared UU values and principles, and to one another. Thanks for being part of this amazing community.

With appreciation and hope for deepening connections,

Rev. Carol

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