Now is the time in the church season where we look back and take stock of all we've accomplished while starting preparations for the coming church year. I'm very proud of our music ministry and want to provide a little recap and a look into the near future.
Our choir this year was nothing short of adventurous. From tackling a new arrangement of a familiar hymn (“For the Beauty of the Earth”) to adding hand motions (“I Walk in Beauty”) and claps (“Seed of Hope”) to singing with puppets (“Rainbow Connection”), the members of the WUUC Choir have taken on new musical challenges with grace and humility. We even wrote our own hymn, called “What We Love,” reflecting our shared passions in life. I am endlessly grateful for their hard work and dedication to our music program.

I am equally thankful for our pianists, who volunteer their time and skill to leading us in hymns each week. Please join me in thanking Mary Ann Barnhart, Mary Donovan, Geoff Mazeroff, and Sandra Thomas. They are a great asset to our worship experience.
Our music ministry thrives with your support. Thank a musician today! I hope we've made you laugh, made you cry, made you tap your feet, and made you find stillness. If you find joy in sharing music with others, please join us in choir or let me know if you've got an instrument to share. Our most immediate need is for singers and instrumentalists for our upcoming All Music Service on June 25. We’ll have a Family (one-rehearsal) choir that morning beginning at 9:45 and I'd like to pack the service with as much music as we can squeeze into an hour! Please contact me as soon as possible if you'd like to participate.
Comments or questions about our music ministry? Email me at
Make a joyful noise!