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SpringBoard - Governance in Motion

Anne Harvey, President, Board of Trustees

Hello Westside Members and Friends,

I recently took part in Committee Sunday. If you were there, you know that during Coffee Hour you were asked to walk around the interior perimeter of the church and become aware of the committees that achieve Westside UU Church’s goals while allowing volunteers to do meaningful work. I represented the Chalice Lighters. Chalice Lighters are members of UU congregations in the Southern Region. These members pledge to contribute $10 or more only three times a year to support UU churches in our region. For instance, Westside has received two grants over the years. The first grant in 1998-99 provided the money to purchase furniture for the new church building. Because of a second Chalice Lighters grant in 2008-09, Westside was able to hire a DRE. This grant provided a salary for three years.

In an “Uncle Sam” sort of way, I am asking you to sign up to be a Chalice Lighter! It is easy to become a member. Go to and click on Chalice Lighters, then on On-line Pledge Form. Help others as others have helped us!


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