by Gillian Hunt, President of the Board of Trustees
Spring is just around the corner, and I’m so excited I could burst. I’m looking forward to a warm breeze on my face and firing up my grill again. The crocuses are peeking their heads out of the dirt and the time to start new projects feels right, just about now. In that spirit, the board has been discussing two new opportunities that I want to make you aware of.
First, as I mentioned last month, we’ve been looking into renewing our Welcoming Congregation status. I’d like to thank Ellen Greenwood, Linda Hayes, Suzanne Molnar, Barry Shumpert, and Grechen Wingerter for spearheading this endeavor to find out more details of what’s involved. They participated in an informational video conference with the UUA and other congregations and
presented a synopsis to the board. The new program includes incorporating into our ministry two Welcoming Worship Services celebrating LGBTQ+ / TGQNB inclusion, honoring days of observance such as World Aids Day and National Coming Out Day, offering religious education events, and supporting a welcoming project by donation or volunteering. I feel that supporting this is an important way to uphold our ideals and grow maturationally as a congregation.
Secondly, Westside has a unique opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship with a UU seminary student whose curriculum includes a two year part time internship with a host congregation. This would involve ten hours a week serving our congregation and ten hours a week serving Foothills UU Fellowship, with whom we would share the internship. This time would include occasional sermons and services, working with our youth group, and other pastoral care services. We would also be providing the intern with valuable experience and doing our part to support the next generation of UU ministers. This does involve a financial investment on our part, and I hope that it is something that we as a congregation can support and make room for in our budget for 2020 and 2021.
That’s all for now. I hope this finds you healthy and content and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Best, Gillian